Wednesday, 7 March 2012

the bottom line in equestrianism-I'm talking pants!

Ok, I know riding breeches or jodhpurs aren't the most flattering item in an equestriennes wardrobe, especially beige or white ones which accentuate the negative and cling to the positive revealing every lump and bump inbetween, including that very unattractive feature, camel toe!

Butt, and this is a big one, we don't have to look like the arse end of equestrianism even if we're not blessed with rear of the year. All makes of breeches fit differently so it's worth taking the time to try on lots of different styles. For instance my friend looks really cool in Mark Todd breeches but unfortunately they just don't suit my shape. I also find it's more flattering to go for a slightly thicker fabric and a full seat. And yes in this instance I do find it's worth splashing the cash.

One thing there's no excuse for though is VPL!!  I know some women get rid of this problem by going commando but after reading a fellow blogger's embarrassing experience I've decided to keep my pants on when I'm in the saddle-that's the sort of exposure I don't need.  I'm not a thong lover as their irritating ways grate on me, and anyway comfort aside, I still think they leave a tell tale knicker line. The drawers that get my vote are the No VPL knickers from good old M&S. But if you've got any other pants suggestions please throw them my way!!

is she or isn't she?

So, no butt, yes do you make sure your rear end doesn't frighten the horses or do you think I'm getting my knickers in a twist over nothing and it's a case of 'out of sight, out of mind?

              Come and talk pants at the EQUESTRIAN STYLE FILE group at


  1. Boy shorts with no "hard" seam. Lacey "Cheeky" undies from Victoria secrets work great with almost anything I have tried. Much better than The thong. I would go nuts If I ever rode in a thong!!!

  2. can i comment on the rider of that chestnut? WHAT IS HER LEG DOING???? I'm waiting for her to lose balance and plop right off the side of that horse mid-jump... ankles down, m'lady!

  3. I usualy wear some nice tight asda breifs they fit tight to them buttocks and then usualy a dark pair of joddies. But I did wear a thong once........uncomfortable doesn't even fit the bill. Ha, well yeah that's my help, if you have quite a large butt I wouldn't recomend lacey/french panties as they tend to do a similar thing as thongs and ride forward when galloping about ;3;
    But yeah, boy shorts is a good one and tight tight breifs maybe go a size smaller but dark joddies is allways a must, I got some curves to me and light jodphurs only do me well in summer when I'm at my most tonned.
