Monday, 13 February 2012

lip balms for horse lovers

how to embarrass your horse in public with a bit of girl on girl action

Welcome to my new addiction-lip balms.  Spending a lot of time outdoors especially in this freezing cold weather, smiling wasn't a laughing matter when my lower lip split-ouch. The gloss I had in my pocket just wasn't up to the job. So sacking the gloss I went on the hunt for a product with greater pout healing powers and entered the world of the lip balm. That's when I realized I was fussier about what went on my lips than past them.

Firstly I passed on the pots-for me they're just not really a practical or hygenic option when you're working around horses, half the time I wear gloves and when I'm not my hands could probably do with a wash. But actually it's not the germs from hands that do horses that worries me so much as the human ones which are so generously spread around at this time of year-cough.

And you can poke your sticks-they're a bit too hard and waxy for me. No, give me a little tube to squeeze any day.  But that's not the end of it,  I want the healing goo to have a bit of shine but not be over the top.  Having 'jammy' lips ain't a good thing when you're around horses. They not only seem to attract your own hair as you bend over to pick out your horse's feet or mix his feed but can get a bit gritty when you're grooming a mud lover or even hairier when he's losing his winter coat-only Frida Kahlo can carry off a lady tache in my opinion.

I also like to protect my lips from signs of aging caused by sun damage with an SPF-yes I know it's not exactly beaming down at the moment but many of us who ride spend a lot of time outside and those rays soon add up. Besides, I'm also thinking ahead to those balmy days of summer lovin'-sigh.

For starters I tried the highly recommended, extremely cheap and easily available Carmex. All the flavoured Carmex (not the original one) have an SPF15 had just the right amount of gloss for me but I don't particularly like the tingle on the lips which becomes a tingle on the tongue which you get with the Mint flavour which comes from a cooling camphor and menthol (as in Original).  The cherry is a bit better but again the taste seems to seep into your mouth. 

Then I read about a 'cult' balm from Jack Black  which has an SPF25 and ordered one on Amazon.  These products are actually formulated for men but contain a wide range mouthwatering ingredients. I decided to go for Black Tea &Blackberry. and next on my list is the Lemon & Chamomile.

Now the tube is pretty tiny which is great for sticking in a pocket but how long will it last? Well, just a small dot of the stuff gets your lips lubed up, it and it stays on for ages, it's still there after eating and drinking. And I like the consistency, slightly thicker than the Carmex, and without the tingle it felt much more soothing and my cracked lip healed up really quickly.  So this little blue tube definitely gets my vote.

And don't just limit balms to your lips-they have a multitude of beautylicious uses. Squeeze a little onto your finger and use to tame unruly brows, pat onto the top part of your cheekbone as a highlighter or over powder blusher to give it a dewier look and use it as a cuticle conditioner.

Got any more suggestions for brilliant balms and their uses to feed my new found addiction? Join Equestrian Style File at Trot ON and get lippy!

Now pucker up and give that gorgeous horse a great big smacker on his delectable muzzle. Share the love and show off your photos in Have you kissed your horse today?'  in the group Why Women Love Horses at

Be inspired by one Trot ON members Valentines Video-love it!

                                                        HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!


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