Thursday, 4 April 2013

strike a power pose and become a superhorsewoman!

Uh oh-she means business!

As a photographer and feminist I've always been fascinated by body language and the difference between the way men and women occupy the space around them. Women often dress to impress and make themselves feel more confident but did you know, that by simply striking a power pose you can not only change the way others see you but change how you feel about yourself!

According to Amy Cuddy if you stand in a powerful pose then your body will feel the force of the dominance hormone testosterone and vanquish cortisol-the stress hormone.

People who have high levels of testosterone combined with low levels of cortisol are not only more confident, assertive and optimistic but they also keep a level head in stressful situation. This makes them really good leaders which is something that is really important when we're dealing with horses.

The good news is that to 'change your body to change your mind' only takes two minutes.  For an instant confidence boost all you need to do is stand like superwoman-stand straight and proud, chin up, legs, hip width apart and fists on hips for two minutes before you put yourself in a stressful situation.

Try it out. If you're lacking confidence before you ride, compete, or are facing a stressful situation then go somewhere you can be in private (the horsebox or toilet should do) and strike the superwoman pose for two minutes.

Don't stop there. Be aware of your posture all the time, whether on your horse or the ground. Unconfident people make themselves small, hunching their shoulders and folding in on themselves whereas confident people, open themselves out, chest out, shoulders wide, chin up.
Because you're worth it! Do listen to Amy Cuddy's inspiring TED talk on power posing. It takes a bit longer than two minutes, (just over 20 mins) but it's time well spent.

                    “Don't fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it.”Amy Cuddy. 


Do you think your posture can make a difference to how you feel? Keep a diary and let me know if striking a power pose has turned you into superhorsewoman!

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