Friday, 6 January 2012

the iron ladies of showjumping choose animo blue

blue is the colour-animo jacket seen at arena uk

As fashion goes Maggie mad (who would have thunk it?!) and The Iron Lady opens in Britain it gives me a good excuse to talk about one of my favourite colours in equestrian clothing-Thatcher Blue!

For style domination in the show jumping ring my vote goes to those leaders in tailoring with a twist Animo. Their competition jackets in a racy red (rosso) may be proving very popular but I'm swinging towards their strictly Conservative blue (bluette). Now all I need is a pussy bow competition shirt-anyone?

And just for the record, my passion for right royal blue and pussy bow blouses has nothing to do with my politics-I loathed many of Mrs T's policies. But in retrospect I do respect her for becoming the first female leader in the western world. I admire her utter conviction, her belief in her own instincts, and her hard work and drive, traits which we need to get to the top of equestrian competition. On the other hand she wasn't able to listen or collaborate both of which are essential if we want to attain a perfect partnership with a horse.

'I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near. '     Margaret Thatcher.

Please join my group Equestrian Style File at and tell me what colour jacket you prefer for competition power dressing!

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