Wednesday, 23 March 2011

yeh or neigh?

Leona Lewis,  X-Factor winner and multi-platinum selling artist was the mane attraction when she posed on the red carpet in LA recently at the annual Genesis Awards which honours people who raise awareness of animal issues.

Leona, a veggie and animal rights supporter is also a great big horse luvver and has even gone as far as having that passion permanently inked on her skin.

First she revealed this poetic tribute to the horse running down her back-
                                           Their beauty captures every eye,
                                           a gift from God for all mankind,
                                           they lend us wings so we may fly,
                                           to ride a horse is to ride the sky.

Then she had a tiny horseshoe tattooed onto her left wrist.

Leona also hit the headlines over the last few years when she had to delay recording her second album thanks to a headbutting horse-ouch! And then ended up on crutches when she took a tumble from her horse Goose-Ow, Ow!

But this obviously hasn't stopped Leona from horsing around!! For me this dress is a bit of a 'neigh' but maybe I shouldn't be so stuck up, it is a bit of fun and good on her for giving her love for horses a public outing!

If her dress is a 'yeh' for you then you may like this dress from Mika Organic made from organic cotton, I actually prefer it in these more natural tones.

Care for the environment, the planet and animals are the inspiration behind Mika Machida's collection so I think Leona would approve. Check out the rest of her designs if you dare to be different.

Yeh, or neigh? Let me know.


  1. Well, I'm with you, Flicka... It's a yeh for the natural tones - think this is cool, more informal and fun. The b/w no. - it's a neigh... just so wrong for formal wear :(

  2. It's ummm.... Interesting... But I have to agree. Neigh.
