Monday, 7 March 2011

pony tails

Jean Pierre Braganza

Yeah, yeah, tell us something we don't know-pony tails are cool! Well it seems that the fashion world and celebrity stylists have caught on, as pony tails flicked, and swayed on the heads of models and celebrities alike, down the catwalk and red carpet just recently.

Wear 'em high or wear 'em low, well groomed into sleek sophistication or 'textured' as hairdressers like to call it, which translated means looking like you've been pulled through a hedge backwards or finished a day's hunting! The latter seems to come naturally to me despite a grooming kit of hair gels, glosses and sprays.


The high pony gives a playful, sassy, I'm up for a bit of fun look, whilst the low pony is more sophisticated. Pump up the volume by blowdrying first with a round brush and don't be afraid to add some hair extensions if you want a bouncing show stopping pony tail- ask your horse if you can borrow his.  Rough things up with a spot of back combing, or sleek into place with a high shine gloss. For an extra edge give a low sixties side parting, a la Twiggy. Finally keep hair accessories simple with same coloured grips and bungees which can be covered with your own hair. Or turn heads by wrapping with some  black leather or pvc and team with a punky take on the sloane head band. One thing's for sure the scrunchy is OUT!

Whatever you chose, horse girls should reclaim the pony tail and prove there are no flies on us when it comes to style!

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